Sunday, March 16, 2014

Pale-Spiked Lobelia (Lobelia spicata) 
Pale-Spiked Lobelia is a native short-lived perennial plant native to the eastern half of Canada and the United States. It is found in mesic prairies, opening of woodlands, and savannas. I have never seen it in my experience since it is not very common in disturbed areas, or even in remnant prairies. It is related to the more common and popular cardinal flower and great blue lobelia. The latter two are commonly used in home gardens, but pale-spiked lobelia not so much since the flowers are not as showy and smaller.It blooms in mid-summer which is earlier than cardinal flowers and about the same time as great-blue lobelias. The seeds of all lobelias are extremely small and easily carried by the wind. 

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