Monday, March 10, 2014

Canada Goldenrod (Solidago canadense)

Canada Goldenrod is the most widespread Goldenrod in the United States. It is considered highly weedy and invasive. It can easily colonize a large disturbed area within a few years because its seeds can easily fly away to short and long distances in the wind. Canada Goldenrod likes to grow in almost any habitat except really shady or wet areas. If you see a large stand of it in a prairie or, really, A goldenrod in a prairie 9 out of 10 times it will be Canada Goldenrod. Although it is highly invasive, it can easily be taken out by hand pulling or aggressive mowing so that the seeds won't proliferate. A very effective method would also be to dump boiling water over large stands and it will die very quickly. Although the large stands of Canada Goldenrod are not very good environmentally, they are very beautiful to see and to walk through.

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