Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Swamp Rose (Rosa Palustris)

Swamp Rose is a wetland perennial rose native to North America. It is found in swamps, marshes, seeps, bogs, and other wetlands where there is sand, gravel, muck or peat with acidity in the soil. It is usually  not a common sight since swamp rose is an indicator of a high quality wetland. It is found also in prairie restoration sites where reintroductions of this plant have been made. Roses are hard to identify whether they are native or exotic, but swamp rose is really the only rose east of the Mississippi that can tolerate growing in wet soils to growing in standing water. It is also taller (3-8' tall) and more robust than many roses. Another way to distinguish this rose is that it has a red dot (red styles) in the center of the flower as opposed to yellow styles like most roses have.

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