Monday, October 28, 2013

Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)

An invasive exotic perennial plant from Europe and the temperate regions of Asia that  has been introduced as a garden plant and has become a problem in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. It is found in disturbed prairies and can quickly out-compete native vegetation through strong and potent tubers that keep multiplying year after year.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Iris versicolor (Northern Blue Flag)

Iris versicolor (Northern Blue Flag) likes to grow in wetlands such as sedge (wet) meadows, along the sides of marshes, and on river banks. It is a very showy perennial plant that blooms in the springtime and grows tubers to reproduce asexually. There is a very related species to the Northern Blue Flag called Southern Blue Flag (Iris virginicum) that is usually lighter in color than Northern Blue flag and grows in the southern part of the United States.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Milkweeds Encountered!

 Swamp Milkweed-characterized by beautiful pink flowers and the only milkweed to support saturated soils.
 Butterfly Milkweed- characterized by the uncommon color of orange flowers on a short growing plant.
 Common Milkweed-characterized by its ubiquity in prairies and large puffy purple-magenta flowers on a medium to tall growing plant.
 Whorled Milkweed- characterized by small bunches of white flowers on a very short single stemmed plant with thin whorled leaves.
Sullivant's Milkweed- the flowers look like a mixture of common milkweed and swamp milkweed. Or, looks like common milkweed except the flower bunches are smaller and more delicate. The leaves are very lanceolate with a strong red central vein running through. This plant can grow in moist, but not saturated soils.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Matthiessen State Park

        Matthiessen State Park is located 15 minutes away from Starved Rock National Park in central Illinois. Matthiessen has beautiful and unique canyons, waterfalls, caves, flora, and fauna. Matthiessen State Park had its beginnings in the late 1800's when philanthropist and industrialist Fredrick William Matthiessen purchased the property known as Deer Park. He constructed dams, bridges, and trails. Since then, the park has had huge land additions and has been renamed in honor of Matthiessen. Here I showcase some of the beauty of Matthiessen such as the ubiquitous maples, oaks, and some rare liverworts and ferns that Matthiessen has to offer. For further information such as the geology, flora and fauna, history etc. check this link out

 Beautiful fall scenery.

 Nice trail.
 Beautiful rock formations.
 A fern clinging on to the wall of the canyon.

 My friend Trevor taking in God's grandeur manifested in nature.
 A liverwort in the order marchantiales.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Allium cernuum (Nodding wild onion)

A perennial plant native to North America that grows from coast to coast in the United States except in some states. It likes to grow in moist to mesic praries, woodlands, and rocky areas like on mountain slopes.

FUN TRIVIA -All of the parts of the plant are edible. It is a noxious weed in Arkansas and considered threatened in New York, Minnesota, and Iowa.

Beautiful mystery plant

Beautiful flowers, but I don't know what this plant is. Can somebody please give me an idea of what it might be?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wild Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis)


Aquilegia canadensis

Wild columbine is a perennial plant native to the eastern half of North America that likes to grow in shady environments like forests and flowers in the springtime.